Legal and financial assistance to select individuals and organizations defending their right to keep and bear arms.
Since inception, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has awarded millions of dollars for legal research, education and support of cases defending the individual right to keep and bear arms.
The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund was established by the NRA Board of Directors in 1978 to become involved in court cases establishing legal precedents in favor of gun owners. The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has supported more than 1,000 cases involving the civil rights of firearm owners
Among the many cases that the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has supported are: the landmark Second Amendment Supreme Court cases of District of Columbia v. Heller, holding that the Second Amendment is a fundamental individual right; McDonald v. Chicago, which established that the Second Amendment applies to the states and local government; and the 2022 Supreme Court case of New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, which struck down as unconstitutional New York’s concealed carry law that required an individual to prove “proper cause” before a concealed carry license would be issued.
Since 2001 alone, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has provided nearly 10 million dollars toward this mission.
Your donations enable the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund to defend America’s gun owners. There are many ways in which you can donate, simply choose the one that’s right for you.
The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund sponsors a scholarly writing contest for grades K-12. The theme for the essay is "What Does The Second Amendment Mean to You?"
The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has a procedure for determining whether to fund a court case. Cases presenting compelling unsettled or new issues of law are of special interest.
The fight to preserve our rights under the Second Amendment continues, and your support of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund is helping to sustain the Second Amendment in one battle after another.
Browse through the site to discover how the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has provided millions of dollars in support of Second Amendment research and cases involving individuals and organizations defending the individual right to keep and bear arms and to support legal research and education.
Contact us by phone (703) 267-1250, fax 703-267-3985 or email [email protected]
Donations received at this site will be directed to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund. You can also donate to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund through the Combined Federal Campaign. The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund's CFC number is 10006.
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