In 1978 the NRA Board of Directors established the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund to become involved in court cases establishing legal precedents in favor of firearms owners. To accomplish this, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund, at its discretion, provides legal and financial assistance to selected individuals and organizations defending the right to keep and bear arms. The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund is a not-for-profit entity established under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund gets numerous requests for assistance. Therefore, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has guidelines and requirements for submission of applications for the Board of Trustees’ discretionary review and a procedure for determining whether to fund an application. Cases presenting compelling unsettled or new issues of law are of special interest to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund.
The Board of Trustees normally meets three times a year: in the late spring, fall, and winter. A request for funding must be submitted to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund not later than thirty (30) days prior to the Board of Trustees meeting at which the request is to be considered. Late applications will be considered only upon the approval of the Trustees assigned to review that particular case and only upon an emergency.
Applications for funding to support litigation must be submitted by the attorney that represents the litigant in the matter for which funding is being applied for. Applications by a pro se litigant will not be considered. Requests for funding should include, at a minimum, the following information:
Applicants seeking grants for research projects, such as law review articles, books, websites, or similar scholarship and research, should provide the following minimum information to be considered by the NRA CRDF Board of Trustees in evaluating such requests.
If the application is for funding litigation, then the application must be made by the attorney(s) representing the litigant in the matter for which funding is being applied for. Applications by a pro se litigant will not be considered.
Applications for funding must be made electronically, by the attorney representing the litigant, and must be submitted to [email protected].
The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund will not return submitted material. Therefore, originals should not be sent. Also, confidential, privileged and/or attorney-client materials should not be sent.
If funding is granted, the grant will be limited to the case applied for only and only for the purposes which were specified in the application. Specifically, a grant does not extend to other cases or matters, even if they involve the same parties and/or arise out of the same facts and circumstance.
The decision to help finance a case in no way obligates the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund in any amount exceeding the amount granted, or in any other manner, nor does it establish an attorney-client, agency, or any other relationship between the Fund and the attorney or the attorney's clients. Any dispute between the attorney and the client for fees, expenses, cost or other matters are to be resolved between the attorney and the client, and the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund shall not, in any way, become a party to such dispute.
The attorney's invoices will be paid upon submission of detailed bills by the attorney, conforming to all NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund requirements, which show the services performed, the date, the hourly rate (not to exceed $300.00 per hour) and the attorney or para-professional performing the services in regard to the case which application for funding was made for only and only for the purposes which were specified in the application. (The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund will not pay more than $300.00 per hour. This means that the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund will pay the first $300.00 for every hour billed. Thus, no matter what your hourly fee is, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund will only pay the first $300.00 per hour charged. If you charge more than $300.00 per hour, that is a matter for you and your client to resolve and any excess billed over that amount must be recovered from your client or another source.)
Furthermore, payments will only be made to the attorney and/or law-firm that made the application for funding. A Form W-9 must be completed by the attorney and returned along with the first submitted bill. Payments will not be made to the client directly. Receipts must also be provided for any disbursements listed on the detailed bills submitted.
As a condition to providing funding, the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund requires that the attorney furnish the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund with copies, as soon as they become available, of: (1) all pleadings, memoranda, and briefs filed by all parties; and, (2) all court orders, opinions, and decisions. Additionally, you are required to submit brief written updates on or before December 1st, March 1st, and August 1st of each year until the matter is concluded. No invoices will be paid unless said updates are timely received. (However, please do not send any privileged attorney-client materials.) The failure to provide timely updates and/or to provide copies of pleadings may result in a revocation of the grant, invoices may be denied, and any remaining monies previously awarded to the case may be reallocated to the general funds of the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund so that such funds may be made available for other deserving cases.
Furthermore, both the attorney and the client, who are a recipient of funding, agree to have their likeness and case used for fund-raising by the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund as a condition for receiving financial support. (Again, please do not send confidential, attorney-client privileged, or other privileged materials.)
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, Va. 22030
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 703-267-1250
Fax: 703-267-3985
Browse through the site to discover how the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has provided millions of dollars in support of cases involving individuals and organizations defending the individual right to keep and bear arms and to support legal research and education
Contact us by phone (703) 267-1250, fax 703-267-3985 or email [email protected]
Donations received at this site will be directed to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund. You can also donate to the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund through the Combined Federal Campaign. The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund's CFC number is 10006.
Our Donor Bill of Rights was established to assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund. We declare that all donors have these rights. Further, The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund realizes how important privacy is to our donors and has adopted a policy to advise you of your choices regarding the use of your personal information.
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